To standardize the maintenance of air compressor equipment, it is first necessary to clarify the maintenance content and lubrication scale of air compressor equipment.
Secondly, it is necessary to have “three good and four good” (i.e. good use, good management, and good repair; good use, good maintenance, good inspection, and good troubleshooting). However, if specific data content is not clearly specified, in actual operation, it may cause secondary pollution around the air compressor equipment due to excessive lubrication, or abnormal machine operation may be caused by too small adjustment clearance.
Therefore, standardized maintenance has become a key aspect of air compressor equipment maintenance. Here, we can promote the IPM working method as the starting point for standardization. It first specifies the “5S” of the work site, and then sets up visualization, inspection tables for air compressor equipment, maintenance personnel’s on duty patrol tables, and lubrication tables, which are vividly regulated through graphic and textual methods. Thus, the standardization and standardization of air compressor equipment maintenance have been achieved.