Dealer Policy

1. Global Trademark Authorization

– Exclusive Rights: Dealers will be granted exclusive rights to use the Sollant trademark within their designated territories. This exclusivity will protect the dealer’s investment in brand development and market penetration.
– Compliance: Dealers must adhere to Sollant’s global branding guidelines to ensure consistency in brand representation. Any local adaptations should be pre-approved by Sollant to maintain brand integrity.
– Renewal: Trademark authorization will be subject to annual review based on performance metrics, compliance with branding standards, and market expansion efforts.

2. Supply Chain Support

– Priority Access: Dealers will receive priority access to Sollant’s full range of products, including new releases and limited editions, ensuring they have the most competitive offerings in their market.

– Supply Chain Optimization: Sollant will work closely with dealers to streamline the supply chain, minimizing lead times and reducing costs. This includes leveraging Sollant’s global logistics network to ensure timely delivery.

– Inventory Management: Sollant will provide inventory management tools and forecasts to help dealers optimize their stock levels, reducing the risk of overstocking or stock outs.

– Prepared Stock: Sollant will proactively prepare and hold stocks for dealers, ensuring that they can meet customer demand promptly. This preemptive stock preparation will allow dealers to respond quickly to market opportunities and seasonal fluctuations.

This addition reinforces Sollant’s commitment to ensuring that dealers are always well-stocked and capable of meeting market demand, enhancing their ability to grow the brand locally.

3. Marketing Support

– Marketing Fund: Sollant will establish a marketing fund to support dealer-driven marketing initiatives. Dealers can apply for funds to support local advertising, promotional events, and trade shows.

– Website Development: Sollant will assist dealers in building their websites, ensuring they are optimized for local markets and aligned with Sollant’s branding guidelines. This includes creating user-friendly designs, integrating e-commerce functionalities, and providing content tailored to local audiences.

– Online Marketing: Sollant will manage online marketing campaigns, including SEO, social media, and pay-per-click advertising, to drive traffic to the dealer’s website. This will enhance the dealer’s online presence and generate more leads.

– Lead Handover: Sollant will capture and hand over local demands generated through the website, online marketing efforts, and global inquiries to the respective dealers. This ensures that dealers can focus on closing sales and providing localized customer support.

– Training & Development: Sollant will provide comprehensive marketing training to dealer teams, covering brand positioning, digital marketing, and customer engagement strategies. Regular webinars and in-person workshops will be held to keep dealers up-to-date on the latest trends and strategies.

– Localized Campaigns: Sollant will develop localized marketing campaigns tailored to specific regional markets, considering cultural nuances, buying behaviors, and competitive landscapes. Dealers will receive support in executing these campaigns.

4. Performance Incentives

– Sales Bonuses: Dealers will be eligible for sales bonuses based on quarterly and annual performance targets. These bonuses will be tiered, offering greater rewards for exceeding targets.

– Growth Incentives: Sollant will provide growth incentives for dealers who expand their market share or successfully enter new markets within their territory. This could include additional marketing funds, reduced product costs, or other financial incentives.

 Recognition Programs: High-performing dealers will be recognized through Sollant’s global dealer awards program, with rewards including international trips, special recognition events, and exclusive business opportunities.

5. Technical & After-Sales Support

– Technical Training: Sollant will provide ongoing technical training for dealer service teams, ensuring they are equipped to offer top-tier maintenance and repair services.

– After-Sales Service: Sollant will support dealers in establishing strong after-sales service networks, providing spare parts, technical documentation, and online support to ensure customer satisfaction.

– Warranty & Service Contracts: Dealers will have the option to offer Sollant-backed extended warranties and service contracts, enhancing the value proposition for end customers.

6. Mutual Benefit & Collaboration

– Joint Business Planning: Sollant and its dealers will engage in joint business planning sessions to align strategies, set mutual goals, and ensure both parties benefit from market growth.

– Feedback Loop: Sollant will establish a feedback loop with its dealers, regularly gathering insights from the field to refine products, marketing strategies, and support services. Dealers will have a direct line to Sollant’s management team to share ideas and concerns.

– Sustainability Initiatives: Sollant will collaborate with dealers on sustainability initiatives, promoting eco-friendly products and practices. This will enhance the brand’s reputation and meet the growing demand for green solutions.

7. Long-Term Partnership & Growth

– Contract Duration: Dealer agreements will be established with a minimum five-year term, allowing sufficient time for market development and return on investment. Renewal options will be based on performance and mutual agreement.

– Market Expansion Support: Sollant will assist dealers in identifying and entering new markets within their territory, providing market research, product adaptation, and initial marketing support.

– Continuous Improvement: Sollant will work with dealers to continuously improve product offerings, services, and market strategies, ensuring that the partnership evolves with changing market conditions and customer needs.

This global dealer policy is designed to foster long-term partnerships, promote mutual growth, and strengthen the Sollant brand worldwide. By working closely with dealers and providing comprehensive support, Sollant aims to achieve a leading position in the global air compressor market.